One such part that can give you trouble while automobile in cold weather is the fuel pump. — A fuel pump can cause a car to not start during in cold weather for any purpose there are many things which prevent the performance of fuel pump. Fuel viscosity increases and thickens with cold temperatures making it harder to pump through hoses. According to a study, gasoline can lose up to 20% of the energy capacity in extreme cold below freezing point and difficulty starting the engine.
Under normal circumstances, the fuel pumps work to deliver fuel from the tank to the engine. But as the temperatures decrease and it becomes harder for the fuel pump to generate the proper pressure, a common symptom tends to be delayed start or no start at all. Finding and preparing for winter driving conditions can not only make your travels safer, but also it saves time and frustration in the event of a car issue that could be prevented with better care. A recent report sited by the American Automobile…
A big one is that many fuel pumps rely on electric, and cold weather can mess with electrical components. In cold temperatures these batteries often don’t have enough power to properly operate the fuel pump. ⠀ The U.S. Department of Energy estimates this efficiency loss at up to 50 percent, which makes starting an engine difficult when it’s so cold.
Worst case, running with dirty fuel can freeze a fuel pump. That is if ice forms in the pump, and takes it down. This fact was highlighted in 2014 when there were general recalls of some vehicle models because it was reported that the fuel pump failings happened in cold weather. The average life span of a fuel pump is about 70,000 to 100,000 miles, but that decreases if you constantly run on low gas during the winter and put bad gas in your car.
Vehicle owners can also prevent cold weather starting problems by using winter-grade fuel, which contains additives that are formulated to help improve performance in low temperatures. Routine fuel filter replacement – The average fuel filter should be changed every 15,000 to 30,000 miles and replacing the filter helps create better flow and pump efficiency. Or, in the words of automotive engineer Mark Donnelly: “Preventative maintenance is critical to making sure your vehicle runs smoothly, especially during harsh conditions.”
So to answer the original question here, YES a bad Fuel Pump can cause hard cold start problems, driving home the need for hands-on inspection periodically and using only the recommended fuels to maintain proper operation.