5 thoughts on “How to find a group on WeChat?”

  1. How to find WeChat group? .
    The first common situation: After the WeChat group chat deleted, I can’t find that group!
    In logging in WeChat, slide to the address book, and then click group chat.
    This after clicking the group chat and found that the interface is not empty. At this time, you must find the upper right corner, there is a sign of the addition, click in.
    In again, click [Select a group].
    The groups now appear, and how many groups you add will appear.
    It now you can click in the group to chat. If you feel that this WeChat group is not bad, look at the icon of two villains in the upper right corner, and click in settings.
    Click “Save to the address book” so that in the future, even if you empty the chat history of this WeChat group, you can still find this group in the address book.

  2. The WeChat group is equivalent to the form of discussion group. There is no group number display. After the WeChat group is created, when the number of groups does not reach the upper limit, all members in the group have the right to add other people to enter the group. Please select the function key in the upper right corner in the WeChat group- > Press ” “-> Select a friend to join, or you can scan the group to enter the group by sharing the QR code.
    Note: To join the group, you must be invited or scanned the QR code in the group to enter, and do not support the active joining.
    In found a group chat:
    1, click on the upper right corner of the main interface of WeChat to initiate a chat button-select a group, you can see all the group chat groups that have been added
    2. On the group chat page, Point options-save to the address book, you can view the group in the address book in the future

  3. 00:00 / 00: 3470% shortcut keys to describe space: Play / suspend ESC: exit full screen ↑: increase volume 10% ↓: reduced volume decrease by 10% →: single fast forward 5 seconds ←: single fast retreat 5 seconds Press hold up and hold it up. Here you can drag no longer appear in the player settings to reopen the small window shortcut key description

  4. 00:00 / 00: 4370% shortcut keys to describe space: Play / suspend ESC: exit full screen ↑: increase volume 10% ↓: reduced volume decrease by 10% →: single fast forward 5 seconds ←: single fast retreat 5 seconds Press hold down and hold it down. Here you can drag no longer appear in the player settings to reopen the small window shortcut key description

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