1 thought on “What kind of coffee grinding registered trademark is it?”
Coffee grinding machines are the 1104 group of the Class 11 of Trademark Classification; Statistics through the road bidding network, 12 trademarks registered with coffee grinders. How to choose other small categories when registering: 1. Select registration (home and commercial automatic drink processing refrigeration and/or heating beverage equipment, group number: 1105) Category of trademarks in categories. , The registration share of 8.33% 2. There are 1 trademarks in the category of registration (electric coffee pot, group number: 1104), and the registration share is 8.33% 3. Select registration (electric coffee machine, electric coffee machine, electric coffee machine, Group number: 1104) There are 1 trademarks in the category, with a registration share of 8.33% 4. There are 1 trademarks for categories of registered (coffee blade, group number: 1104), with a registration ratio of 8.33% 5. Select registration (non -paper coffee filter, that is, components of electric coffee machines, group numbers: 1104) Category of trademarks, with a registration share of 8.33% 6. Select registration ( Coffee oven, group number: 1104) Category has 1 trademark, with a registration share of 8.33% 7. Select registration (family and commercial automatic coffee machines, group numbers: 1104) trademarks. 1, the registration share of 8.33% 8. There are 1 trademarks in the category of registered (coffee bean roasted, group number: 1104), and the registration share is 8.33% 9. Select registration ( Coffee filter boiled machine, group number: 1104) Category has 1 trademark, with a registration share of 8.33% 10. Select a registered (electric teapot, group number: 1104) category. The proportion of 8.33%
Coffee grinding machines are the 1104 group of the Class 11 of Trademark Classification;
Statistics through the road bidding network, 12 trademarks registered with coffee grinders.
How to choose other small categories when registering:
1. Select registration (home and commercial automatic drink processing refrigeration and/or heating beverage equipment, group number: 1105) Category of trademarks in categories. , The registration share of 8.33%
2. There are 1 trademarks in the category of registration (electric coffee pot, group number: 1104), and the registration share is 8.33%
3. Select registration (electric coffee machine, electric coffee machine, electric coffee machine, Group number: 1104) There are 1 trademarks in the category, with a registration share of 8.33%
4. There are 1 trademarks for categories of registered (coffee blade, group number: 1104), with a registration ratio of 8.33%
5. Select registration (non -paper coffee filter, that is, components of electric coffee machines, group numbers: 1104) Category of trademarks, with a registration share of 8.33%
6. Select registration ( Coffee oven, group number: 1104) Category has 1 trademark, with a registration share of 8.33%
7. Select registration (family and commercial automatic coffee machines, group numbers: 1104) trademarks. 1, the registration share of 8.33%
8. There are 1 trademarks in the category of registered (coffee bean roasted, group number: 1104), and the registration share is 8.33%
9. Select registration ( Coffee filter boiled machine, group number: 1104) Category has 1 trademark, with a registration share of 8.33%
10. Select a registered (electric teapot, group number: 1104) category. The proportion of 8.33%