3 thoughts on “What about the icon of Ali Wasing on Ali Wangwang?”

  1. The following article hopes to help you: Explorer.exe needs to be closed when you encounter problems. First, try to optimize with “360 Security Guard” and “Super Rabbit”. Remember to restart. It is recommended to use the 360 ​​security guard download address Super Rabbit Magic Settings download address about IE errors. If this problem occurs, other reasons such as virus and hardware failure, as well as browser damage or file loss, followed by IE cores, mainly IE cores The entry of some DLL files in the registry is lost or wrong. Such problems are generally caused by installation of certain software. Especially for some irregular designs, to solve the use of regsyr 32 commands, you need to reset the IE: 1 Open the “Run” window in the “Start” menu, enter “regsvr32 actxprxy.dll” in it, and then “OK” Then there will be an information dialog box “in activprxy.dll succeeded” and click “OK” again. 2 Open the “Run” window again, enter the “regsvr32 shdocvw.dll 3 to open the” run “window again, enter” regsvr32 oLeaut32.dll 4 to open the “run” window again, enter “regsvr32 activprxy.dll 5 to open the” run “window again, Enter the “regsvr32 mshtml.dll 6 to open the” run “window again, enter” regsvr32 msjava.dll 7 to open the “run” window again, enter “regsvr32 browseui.dll 8 to open the” run “window again, enter” regsvr32 urlmon.dll 1. In the process of sending an error report, in the process of using IE browsing webs, the information prompt “Microsoft Internet Explorer needs to be closed when encountering a problem …”. At this time, if you click the “Send Error Report” button, you will create an error report, click on After the “Close” button, it will cause the current IE window to close; if you click the “No Send” button, you will close all IE windows. This is a small program designed by IE to understand the error of the user in use, but I don’t want to want When Microsoft’s “free tester”, not to mention that it will face thousands of reports every day, who knows if he cares about my reporting question ?! For the IE 6.0 user of Windows XP, perform the “control panel → system” , Switch to the “Advanced” tab, click the “Error Report” button, select the “Disable Error Report” option, and select “but notify me when serious errors occur”, and finally click the “OK” button. 2.IE occurs. Internal errors, when the window is closed when browsing some webpages with IE, an error prompt dialog box appears: “This program performs illegal operations, is about to be closed …”, then a dialog box pops up after clicking the “OK” button, prompting “Out of the occurrence of occurring内部错误……”。单击“确定”按钮后,所有打开的IE窗口都被关闭。   该错误产生原因多种多样,内存资源占用过多、IE安全级别设置与浏览的网站不匹配、与其他Software conflicts, browsing the website itself contains an error code … These situations are possible, and need to be patient to solve it. ① Turn off too much IE window. If you run the program where you need to occupy a large amount of memory, it is recommended that the number of open IE windows be opened without more than 5. . ② reduce IE security level. Execute the “Tool → Internet option” menu, select the “Security” tab, click the “default level” button to drag the slider to reduce the default security level. ③ upgrade IE to the latest version. 6.0 SP1 can use IE as the core browser, such as Myie2. It takes less system resources, and when the browser fails, Next time it starts it, there will be a prompt of “whether to open the page when the error occurred last time”, and help you restore the loss as much as possible. 3. When running an error, when you browse the web with IE, the dialog box pops up “run errors, whether to correct errors” dialog box. After clicking the “No” button, you can continue to browse the Internet. It may be the problem of browsing the website itself, or because IE does not support certain scripts. ① Start IE, execute the “Tool → Internet Options” menu, select the “Advanced” tab, select the “Prohibited Script Debug” check box, and finally click the “OK” button. ② Upgrade the IE browser to the latest version.

  2. Hello, AliExpress uses the international version of Ali Wangwang. You need to download it. Some are downloaded on the homepage of AliExpress.

  3. Ali Wangwang is a small droplet icon, which sets Ali Wangwang’s speed -selling sellers. The page will display small water droplets to facilitate buyers to communicate.

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