5 thoughts on “Thyrocaste, triode, field effect tube, IGBT”
In the model 2N, 2SA, 2SB, 2SC, 2SD, A, B, C, D, S, are generally ordinary triode The other parameter manuals to check the corresponding models can be checked before you can know. However, if this time has been done for a long time, the common model is remembered, and you can soon be able to use the model to distinguish the thyristor, field effect tube, IGBT
Introduce you to go to a Shenzhen Tianyi Electronics As long as it is a component class, they can all be equipped with all Is to take a board for them to show them It’s been a long time, much more professional than us
In the model 2N, 2SA, 2SB, 2SC, 2SD, A, B, C, D, S, are generally ordinary triode
The other parameter manuals to check the corresponding models can be checked before you can know. However, if this time has been done for a long time, the common model is remembered, and you can soon be able to use the model to distinguish the thyristor, field effect tube, IGBT
Is it clear? Xiao Mengxin online begged, thank you
Introduce you to go to a
Shenzhen Tianyi Electronics
As long as it is a component class, they can all be equipped with all
Is to take a board for them to show them
It’s been a long time, much more professional than us
Judging by model
It has a model on it, which can generally be seen directly. If you are not sure, you can view the manual